

Driving force

June 2022

Buoyancy - Ikigai

Why do I do what I do?

This is a question that has been bothering me for some time...

A good question, because I didn't have a 1-2-3 answer to it.

Mine head I can think of anything, but that's mine heart Agree...?

What really lights my fire?

When do I lose track of time?

For years I did work that was not very challenging for me mentally.

I got bored quickly, so I started doing all kinds of things in the workplace that were not my responsibility.

And that meant that I ended up overshooting myself. If I look at myself very honestly, I was never really in the right place.

One of my

motivations to start entrepreneurship

is that I have this


could be deployed across the entire width

as an entrepreneur and as a person! Because I am too

responsible for my own energy balance and my own needs


Entrepreneurship gives me the


for my

manage your own time

so that I can also fulfill these own needs.

My own needs for moments of rest and relaxation between my work to recharge.

I notice

my enthusiasm

when I brainstorm with other entrepreneurs about entrepreneurship,


my fire is burning

and the

creativity starts to flow


By taking photographs I noticed that I...

time forgot

. I can completely

get caught up in the moment


Creativity and life energy flow from the depths of my soul.

I don't work alone


, but also


, from my feeling.

This intuition is developing just as fast as the personal development that I am going through and am involved in.


personal development & growth

and mine

interest in how the human brain/psyche works in relation to the body

is one of my most important

sources of inspiration

. Just as

the art of living

on which I like to philosophize.

Of course I am certainly also inspired by it

fellow photographers

, including Iris Valentina and Anja van Ast.

And of course the not to be forgotten source of inspiration ->

the Old Masters

such as Da Vinci and Rembrandt van Rijn.

The use of it

soft light

, the way portraits are highlighted,

where the accents lie,


The way of

to work


soft, loving feminine energy

, and the



the soul

seems to emerge

when you

in the eyes

of the sitter when I look at the work and working methods of my colleague photographer Iris.

And the wonderful use of

natural light

in the abbey where I see Anja's work



I have been involved with spirituality since I was a child. And I've picked that up again a few years ago.

I like to use my spiritual side both in my entrepreneurship and during photo shoots.

I work from my feminine energy, positivity, love and softness.

I gratefully use my inner peace and measured enthusiasm


to allow the connection between myself and the person portrayed to arise in the silences


to make the portraits come to life


I feel

during the photo shoot exactly when I...

wow photo

create where you can see the soul through the eyes!

When I look at what I love, what I am good at, what I can get paid for and what the world needs.

Then I don't have to worry for long whether I'm on the right track and I can say that I have found my ikigai (certainly for now!).

And that I have all the possibilities within me to expand or adapt it, should something else be needed in the world in the future.

my passion = my profession = my calling

And my mission is to give everyone the opportunity to be their pure, beautiful self in front of my camera

in a world where everyone seems to want to be someone else.

and placing a filter over a photo is no longer an exception.

You are enough!

You are good as you are!

You can be there just the way you are!

You can be


You are

<---- Posing Create profile picture for the web ---->
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