

About me...

About me...

photo taken by Daisy de Boer

How nice that you visit my website and that I have aroused your interest in my work.

In this part I want to take you into my life and how Make a Change Photography came about.

I was born Karin on April 4, 1983 in Rotterdam and grew up in Spijkenisse, which is now my hometown and where Make a Change Photography is located.

As a child I always walked around with a simple camera. Even then I loved taking photos of our holiday activities or of animals and could be full of excitement when I had them developed. The photos were like treasures to me!
Photography also runs in my family, my grandfather loved to take photographs, but my uncle, cousins and my own father also enjoyed taking photographs.
I was probably born creative and I like to be as creative as possible, both in my thinking and physically.
As a child I loved helping others, that has always made me feel good. When it came to social contacts, I had my own ways of interacting with people.

Entrepreneurship also runs in the family, my grandfather and grandmother Pattes had a textile shop in the north of Rotterdam and if I look even further back in my family line, the entrepreneurial blood already runs in the family. And when I look back at myself as a child, I was already a budding small entrepreneur, I collected old but still good things that were no longer used and sold them on a rug along the road when we were at the campsite. So I was not only an entrepreneur in the making, but also working sustainably. I also liked to buy second-hand things and still occasionally wander through flea markets and thrift stores in search of true treasures.

I ignored the camera for a period of years until I suffered a burnout in 2017. A short walk of 5 minutes took me at least half an hour and I was not able to do it without complaints! It made me very anxious, but combative at the same time...
Taking photos helped me to shift my focus on the subject I wanted to photograph and use my senses again.
It took my mind off feeling sick for a moment. And helped me to continue walking and discovering nature again, little by little.
My passion for photography grew rapidly during this time!
There was nothing I wanted more than to participate in society again, but at my own pace and conditions.
That's why I decided in 2018 that I wanted to start my own business in photography. I quit my job and left cleaning work behind.
On November 2, 2019 the time had come!
Make a Change Photography was officially born, a company registered with the Chamber of Commerce in my name.
To this day I am grateful to myself for taking this step!
I couldn't have imagined a more fun and beautiful job than photography...

I started with nature photography and portraits soon followed. And I now specialize in portrait and corporate photography.
As a professional photographer, I can even say from December 2023.
I trained as a professional photographer at the school of photography in Breda and successfully completed the training and received a diploma.

I have had the opportunity to portray many people.
What I often get from people around me is that I am an open, enthusiastic & committed person. A woman with a warm personality.
I have the natural gift of quickly making people feel at ease.
A gift that is a blessing to me as a photographer!

I have put the burnout behind me. During this period I learned to listen to my body better,
working from my feelings, taking rest and having fun again by playing...
With inner peace and having fun together, the most beautiful creations are created!

Because Karin van Es Photography or Karin de Bruin Photography had already existed about ten times, I started thinking further about a company name.
I am not afraid of change in my life and that is how my motto came about:
Make a Change... Dare to Make a Difference... And from this the name for my company Make a Change Photography was born.
It started as an opportunity for myself to change my life and my wish is that I can enrich the lives of others with the portraits I make.
In addition, I occasionally take young people under my wing for a short trip to spend a few days to see what a photographer's work entails. I would like to convey the hospitality that I missed when I wanted to start as a photographer in the hope of making that difference.
A wonderful life lesson, the value of which I began to experience when I received an invitation from Jimmy Nelson to come for an interview in his photo studio in Amsterdam twice.

I am convinced that I can bring something beautiful to the world by making Portraits in which I have developed the ability to bring them to life and give them a soul, as they beautifully said to me at the Legacy Photography Awards.
And also by translating the story of your company into images through powerful corporate reporting and branding photography...

I have come to find it important to really be myself and no longer have to adapt to how society thinks or others think I should be. And I wish this for you too!
I therefore give you the space to be completely yourself. Whether this is playful and with a big smile, with a serious attitude, stately, loving and helpful, .... Everything about you can be there. You can totally be there!

Taking the time for you is my top priority, along with delivering quality and looking for connections.
I have come to love capturing your story in photos.

Even though I have my diploma, learning is never done as a photographer. There is always something to learn!
In 2024 I will further develop myself in Personal branding photography, visual storytelling and casting/portfolio photography for models.
And I notice that I have a longing for social projects, projects with a story that touches people in a positive way!

In addition to private individuals, I enjoy working with entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who want to show their individuality in their company.
Entrepreneurs who are proud of what they have achieved and always strive to maintain this piece of their individuality.
Passionate entrepreneurs who, when you ask a question, their eyes light up when you talk about their company and their work.
Loving entrepreneurs who find their customers important and maintain the connection with their customers and their personality.
Entrepreneurs and Private Individuals who dare to be themselves (even though that is quite exciting sometimes).

Be You... You're perfect the way you are...

* * * * *

Karin van Es, Fotograaf Spijkenisse, Make a Change Fotografie, portretfotografie

Photo taken by RobTopfoto

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