

Back to School

October 2022

Back to School

The big one will happen next Saturday, October 8, 2022 back to school start adventure.

I'm going to the

photography training

follow to the

School of Photography

in Breda for my

broaden and deepen knowledge.

I embraced this opportunity that came my way with both arms.

I find it quite exciting to go back to school! My experiences with the school system are not too positive.

Even though I know that people are assessed in a different way here (not with numbers, but on growth),

yet I remain the


that I have

in my backpack


Fortunately, I'm also a lot

life experience richer



I am also really looking forward to starting this adventure.

Full of curiosity about what challenges I may encounter on my path.

Ready to take them on!

What challenge have you not avoided?

“The dream starts with a teacher who believes in you, who drags, pushes and guides you to the next level

and sometimes prick you with a sharp stick called the truth.”

*Dan Rather

Experience has shown that my

The biggest learning processes and growth are in what I encounter in life on a personal level!

Where I dare to take on my biggest challenges, there is the most growth and development.

Sometimes I encounter situations that cause me to notice that my creativity is temporarily blocked,

where I can take the time to observe, relax and experience that it is safe.


then my creativity will flow again


My client still gets beautiful professional photos, but I work with less flow during such a block,

and therefore slightly less creative.

This is a good example of one of the many life lessons that came my way and that I have started working on.

Everyone has their own way

life lessons


hindering thoughts

in due time.

This can occur both in front of and behind the camera.

Maybe you recognize them?

“Am I doing it right?”

"What would they think of me?"

“Can I do this?”

"They'll probably notice that I......?....."

“Can I even say this?”

"Can I make that to .......?"

"How do I deal with this again...?"

"Isn't that a bit crazy to do?"

“Doesn't that look crazy?”



that even come my way every now and then. Which then makes me pause for a moment.

There may be uncertainties.

Because only then

can I

get started with it


That also applies to the insecurities of my customers. Just let them be and name them.

Then we tackle them together.

My attitude as a photographer has just as much influence on the photo shoot as the attitude of my client.

Sometimes larger issues arise that are very nice to discuss with a colleague!

How does someone else deal with this? Who could I learn from...

Issues such as:

"How can I ensure that parents are involved in a photo shoot, but not disrupt the process?"

In most cases this goes completely fine.

Not once...

"Can I say something about it and how do I do that?"

"Can you send someone out of the room if they are a disruptive factor?"

"How do I stay close to my own energy in difficult situations?"

Sometimes I don't have a direct answer to my questions.

That also makes the vocational training very nice to be with like-minded people.

Although I do of course also have colleagues in my network with whom I can sometimes brainstorm.

I will have questions and uncertainties at school, where I will be assessed at a different level for my work.

will undoubtedly encounter it again!

Oprah Winfrey once said:

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”

<----- Experiencing and Feeling
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